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Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence

Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence
Effective MARCH 19, 2021

Effective MARCH 19, 2021

Any fighting or physical altercation of any type will not be permitted.
Individuals will automatically be SUSPENDED from school for a period of five (5) days, and eligible for a district behavior review, which may result in school removal or expulsion from school.

Students who posture or “square up” to fight, as well as on-lookers, are subject to discipline and suspension.

Students who videotape or post student confrontations online, or who perpetuate conflicts by spreading rumors or gossip are also subject to discipline and suspension.

“Rough-housing” or “Horseplay” can cause serious injury and are also strictly prohibited.
  • Rough-housing or horseplay may also result in suspension.

Self-defense: A student who engages in self-defense is one who has tried EVERYTHING in his/her power to remove himself/herself from a situation that may result in physical blows. This includes refusing to engage in verbal threats or confrontations, walking away from the situation, and seeking assistance from school personnel.