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Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence

Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence

Special Education

MLKTA provides a continuum of services for students who qualify for Specialized Academic Instruction and related services.  On-site, MLKTA supports students who needs consultation, RSP, and SDC/MM academic programs.  
  • The consultation option allows students to participate in all five core subject classes (ELA, Math, History, Science, & PE) plus a student-selected school elective course.
  • The RSP option allows students to participate in all five core subject classes (ELA, Math, History, Science, & PE) while taking the Curriculum Support elective to ensure academic success in the general education environment.
  • The SDC option provides students will more supports in specialized core classes (ELA, Math, History, & Science) while participating in the general eduaction PE course.  Students receive double periods of Math and ELA to ensure academic success and progress on IEP goals. 
In addition, students may receive one or more of the following DIS services if incorporated into the current IEP document:
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Adaptive PE
  • Counseling
  • Vision and Hearing Supports
23-24 RSP PrOgram Staff

23-24 RSP PrOgram Staff

Mr. Perez, room 55, extension 22655
  • RSP Deparment Chair
  • Curriculum Support elective
Ms. Lee, room 58, extension 22658
  • Curriculum Support elective
OPEN/RSP, room 54, extension 22654
  • Curriculum Support elective


Ms. King, room 32, extension 22632
  • SDC Department Chair
  • ELA 7 Essentials, ELA 8 Essentials
  • Math 7 Essentials, Math 8 Essentials
  • History 7 Essentials, History 8 Essentials
  • Science 7 Essentials, Science 8 Essentials
Ms. Johnson, room 31, extension 22631
  • ELA 7 Essentials
  • Math 7 Essentials
  • History 7 Essentials
  • Science 7 Essentials
OPEN/SDC (Mr. Vang), room 33, extention 22633
  • ELA 8 Essentials
  • Math 8 Essentials
  • History 8 Essentials
  • Science 8 Essentials
23-24 DIS Program Staff

23-24 DIS Program Staff

Dr. Johnson, School Psychologist
  • rotating Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
  • Room L1, extension 22686

Ms. Yethipathi, Speech & Language Pathologist
  • Monday - Friday, school hours
  • Room L2, extension 22687

Ms. Villongco, District Nurse
  • Health Office, extension 22689

Capital Kids, Occupational Therapy
  • Ms. Brooks, Mondays

Mr. Feldman, Physical Therapy
  • Tuesdays

Ms. Corral, APE
  • Tuesdays
23-24 DIS Program Staff

23-24 DIS Program Staff

School Psychologist

Speech & Language Pathologist

District Nurse

Program Specialist