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Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence

Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy

Integrity, Achievement, Excellence

Family Resources



Dear Families,
We look forward to serving you and student during grades 7-8.  There are many ways to interact with the school and lots of resources available to help you and your student through the journey of early adolescence.  
Annual Events
  • Back To School Night - Fall
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
  • Winter Band & Choir Concert
  • Open House - Spring
  • Spring Band & Choir Concert
  • Progress Report Pick Up - Q1 September, Q2 December, Q3 February, Q4 May
  • Student Awards Ceremony - Q1 November, Q2 January-February, Q3 March-April
  • 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony - Last Day of School
School Committees
  • School Site Council (SSC)
  • English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC)
Please let us know how we can help and include you in our school community!
Registration & Enrollment

Registration & Enrollment

Enrollment Procedures

Families may register students who physically reside within the TRUSD school boundaries by:
  • Completing an application through the TRUSD online registration system
    • If you have questions regarding registration and enrollment, the Student Services Department at (916) 566-1620 during the hours of 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday.

  • Completing the paperwork in-person with our registrar
    • The Registrar is located in the Attendance Office during the hours of 7:30am-3:30pm from late July until early June.
Verify Your Address
The My School Locator tool will allow you to view which schools (Transitional Kindergarten thru 12th Grade) are assigned based on your home address. This information does not apply to Preschool, Head Start, and Charter Schools within the District.

Required Documents

Appreciated Documents

Change of Contact Information

Please contact our school registrar at (916) 566-3490 extension 22965 between the hours of 7:30am - 3:30pm if you or your student's information changes.
Critical Information to Update
1. Parent phone numbers (house/landline and/or mobile)
2. Parent email address
3. Home address
4. Mailing address, if different
5. Emergency Contacts 
Health Office

Health Office


Immunization Requirements for Registration
California State law, Health and Safety Code, Vision 105, Part 2, Chapter 1, Sections 120325-120380; California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 8, Sections 6000-6075 mandates that, effective July 1999, all seventh grade students must comply with immunization requirements.
Students will not be allowed to enroll in seventh grade at any of the Twin Rivers Unified School District schools, unless the above immunizations have been received and written verification provided via an official shot record.
Before picking up your child's class schedule, you must present your student's immunization record and completed emergency card to school staff for review.

Medications at School

The parent/guardian of a student on continuing medication must inform the principal or other designated certificated personnel of the medication being taken, including the dosage, and the name of the supervising physician. 

For district staff to assist with a student's medication school personnel must receive a written statement form the physician detailing the method, amount and time schedules by which the medication is to be taken, and a written statement from the parent/guardian indicating that they desire the school district to assist their child in the matter set forth by the physician. (E.C. 49423) 

With the consent of the parent/guardian, the school may communicate with the physician who may counsel the school personnel regarding possible side effects of the drug. This may include effects on the student's physical, intellectuals and social behavior as well as adverse effects which may indicate overdose, toxicity, or omission. (E.C. 5141.21)

Student Illness

Parents, if your child is sick please keep them at home until they are feeling better. Students who have a fever, are throwing up, or have diarrhea should stay home.

Make sure that the attendance office is notified of your child's absence, and/or please have your child bring the attendance office an excuse note from home.

Disease Prevention

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze

  • Throw the tissue in the trash after using it

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing

  • Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective

  • Try to avoid close contact with sick people

  • If you get sick, CDC recommends that you stay home from work and school, and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread that way
For more information, visit the Sacramento County Public Health web site at


Student Absence Procedures

Attendance Policies

SART Meetings




TRUSD Aeries Parent Portal
How to sign up for Aeries Parent portal
  • Go to or download the mobile app
  • Sign in or create an account
  • Start  tracking your student's grades, assignments, and attendance. You can also directly message the school and your student's teachers
** If you receive a message asking for a verification code, please contact the school, 916-566-3490, to verify your current email is on file.
Please click on the link below for further support and/or translated instructions


Most staff members have a personal 5 digit extension you may enter to leave them a voicemail message.
  • Instructional staff extensions ring directly to voicemail to ensure phone calls do not interrupt instruction.
  • If you need to speak to an instructional staff member immediately, hit "0" and ask to be transferred.
  • Please allow 24 hours for a staff member to return your call.
  • It is very helpful if you leave your name, your child's name, and a contact phone number in your message.


All TRUSD staff have a personalized emails that are formatted as follows:
Please visit our Staff Directory for more information
Student Services

Student Services

Academic Counseling

The Counseling Department is located in room 21.  
Mr. Armstrong, School Counselor, is in charge of student schedules, the PBIS Tier 2/3 programs, and the 504 process. 






County Mental Health

Family Engagement Opportunities

Family Engagement Opportunities

School Site Council


Back to School Night

Open House

Quarterly Awards Ceremony

Progress Report Pick Up Night

Photo Coming Soon

Mr. Willie Armstrong

School Counselor - Room 21 (916) 566-3490 x22621

Ms. Rosa Taico

Registrar - Attendance Office (916) 566-3490 x 22695

Ms. Sue Alverez

Attendance Clerk - Attendance Office (916) 566-3490 x22692